WorldWide WitchCamp
Our 2024 Camp is over!
Check back later for information about 2025.
An online magical immersive in the Reclaiming Witchcraft tradition
Three days of rituals, Paths, affinity groups & optional offerings, all online.
You are welcome... whether this is your first WitchCamp or your 20th!

Theme & Story for 2024

(photo by Francesco Ungaro on Pexels)
Theme for 2024
A Theme is the intention of our camp, the foundations of where we start our magic.
Our theme for 2024 is:
Hearts thrumming - red, blue, and green,
Dancing the web with those unseen.
Witches gather in the forest night,
spinning threads of mycelium bright.
Come feather, fur, scale, and horn,
Weaving our fates with worlds reborn.
What Campers
said about
WorldWide WitchCamp 2023
"Magic, witches, community -
all around the globe.
It was such a wonderful, inspiring and healing experience.”
~Claudia Nymphenkuss
"incredible magical access,
opportunities of wonder and delight...
deeper, richer, intimate...thank you so much for organizing this event, i eagerly await another...”
"Witchcamp has been a 'coming home' experience and a significant gift that's fed my spirit and lit up community connections. So much gratitude."
"A fantastic experiment in worldwide, online witchcraft that was a wonderful way to spend a weekend.”
~Thorn (they/them),
on unceded Wabanaki Confederacy land
"Estar no WorldWide Witchcamp foi mágico para mim, pois me permitiu ter contato com muitos bruxos da comunidade Reclaiming, foi uma oportunidade única de compartilhar magia!"
~Audax, Reclaiming Brasil
"O WorldWide Witchcamp foi sinônimo de comunhão & comunidade! Estar com bruxas-irmãs de diferentes partes do mundo falando uma mesma linguagem ainda que em outros idiomas deu muito sentido à minha fé e ao que eu busco na bruxaria. Fazemos muito sozinhes, mas juntes fazemos ainda mais."
~Mateus Cabot, Reclaiming Brasil
"Poder participar dessa experiência internacional, conectada a bruxas Reclaiming de tantos lugares diferentes foi mágico e inspirador! Nem as barreiras geográficas ou linguísticas impediram que nossa magia acontecesse, e espero que seja apenas o primeiro de muitos!"
~Horn Starsong, Reclaiming Brasil
What is WitchCamp?
WitchCamps are magical intensives in the Reclaiming Witchcraft Tradition offered to people of all genders at any level of magical experience. WitchCamps involve classes (called Paths), daily rituals exploring a story, affinity groups for sharing and integration, and optional offerings from campers on a variety of topics.
We welcome you whether you are brand new to witchcraft or you’ve been practicing a long time. Most Paths at our camp are open to anyone, including newcomers. Some Paths are restricted to people who have taken Reclaiming Witchcraft’s core class “Elements of Magic,” and explore more advanced tools. Because camp is only 3 days, we can’t offer a full Elements of Magic Path at camp. If you are new to the Reclaiming Witchcraft tradition, we invite you to see if you can take an Elements class before camp (we will offer one in the months leading up to camp), and to familiarise yourself with our Tradition through reading resources online or books by Reclaiming witches. Our Principles of Unity is a great place to start!
To read more about Reclaiming WitchCamps, please visit the WitchCamp Council website.