Theme for 2024
Hearts thrumming - red, blue, and green,
Dancing the web with those unseen.
Witches gather in the forest night,
spinning threads of mycelium bright.
Come feather, fur, scale, and horn,
Weaving our fates with worlds reborn.
The Dark Forest and the Eternal Ritual
Story for 2024
Written by Lilo Assenci (with support & edits from the WWWC Org team)
The Dark Forest calls. A call so strong that it turns our guts. We accept the Call because we simply cannot help it — it is stronger than the fear in the world outside; it holds wonders sweeter than any honey. We are called by the Unseen, the Other World, and the Spirits that dance eternally in the great Dark Forest. There, in the heart of the night, where the stars shine in the sky and earth, and the sun and moon meet each other at the same time like divine twins, Mystery awaits us.
In times of urgency and crisis, when the Earth tells us that something is wrong, and poison runs through Hir veins, we are called to act. We are called to remember our place in the Dark Forest and the Eternal Ritual. The Witches rise from the unknown to perform the Nameless Act - WitchCraft.
We arrive at the Eternal Ritual, the never-ending gathering of witches. There, we claim ourselves as sacred, sharing kinship with the land, and we are welcomed as weavers and Witches. We find our place among human, non-human, and more-than-human beings. We meet Fate-Weavers, and we remember ourselves as Fates.
The Eternal Ritual is where dance awakens ecstasy, an endless feast where food and drink are enchanted, where danger is worth living, where we feed our Beloved and Mighty Dead.
We return. Once the thread is caught there is no turning back — the Great Circle is always part of us. We return with our tools, we remember our collective power, and weave our fates with worlds reborn.
The Dark Forest calls us, and the Great Feast approaches.
Do you dare answer this Call?
Context & History of this Story
The Dark Forest story has been shared with us from the Reclaiming Brasil Community, who hold it to be a mythical being and ally who has supported individuals and communities in healing from trauma.
Here's the history of how this story emerged for the Reclaiming Brasil community, also written by Lilo Assenci:
"The Dark Forest came to our Reclaiming Brasil community in 2018, during a terrible period in our country: we were on the eve of the worst election we have had in recent times. Democracy was at risk, and fear was a constant among everyone in our community at that time. We were (and still are) a Queer community, of marginalized people, who found refuge and power in Witchcraft.
While weaving our Beltaine ritual, we decided that we wanted to go to a place of power where we could feel safe, protected and, at the same time, filled with power and magic. From this idea, we visioned together the path to the place of the eternal ritual, the Great Sabbat.
The Witches' Sabbat as the unique place where we meet and dance with the Spirits, make our pacts with the living Earth and the Little People, fill ourselves with ecstasy and remember our myth, our origins, who we are: witches.
This place where the Great Ritual always happens was named the Dark Forest, and over time, we discovered that the Dark Forest was much more than just that: over the years, we found places within it where we kept the memory of our community, where we communed with Spirits, where liminal spaces with other magical places appeared - the Dark Forest seemed endless and full of mysteries.
It was a place of healing and regeneration. Each time we work with this Ally is a time of wonder, transformation through power and self-possession, and a constant remembering of our connections - among green and red blooded beings, spirits and more and more and more. The Dark Forest reminds us of community, of belonging, of pride and power, and teach us the way to have a better relationship with the land.
The Dark Forest is a spiritual and physical place we meet - it is everywhere. It is an ally we can call to our Rituals, it is a teacher, a lover, and a mystery we work with."
~Lilo Assenci