Teacher Bios (2023)

Here is our 2023 team of teachers offering paths at camp! Read about the paths they are offering by clicking here.

Stay tuned for a call for applicants for our 2024 teaching team.

Alex Spurlock (she/her)

Alex Spurlock ~ (she/her) is a queer, disabled witch, student teacher in the Reclaiming tradition, priestess of Aphrodite, and currently lives on unceded Southern Pomo/Graton Rancheria lands in Santa Rosa, CA, USA. She has found a home in Reclaiming and is currently gaining experience across multiple roles. She is involved in the Ableism-Impacted Reclaiming Alliance (AIRA), an affinity group that seeks to understand the ways our physically and mentally disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent, and aging community members are excluded from Reclaiming spaces and how to establish more accessible options that integrate us with the wider community.

Alyssa Rose

Alyssa Rose ~ is an eclectic Pleasure Witch, Reclaiming Priestess, Mother and Magic-Maker from Northern California living on unceded Pomo and Coast Miwok land. Alyssa has been a part of Reclaiming communities since 2016 and a magic maker from birth. She is fascinated by the mysteries of our Earth and Universe, the power of harnessing sensuality in all parts of our lives and a forever-seeker of pleasure, growth, and knowledge and creating intersectional, inclusive spaces to learn and expand.

Bernie (S/he, Her)

Bernie ~ (S/he, Her) is an edge walker between the dream world and the so-called  mundane. S/he is a storyteller, information gatherer, celebrant and dreamer extraordinaire!

Dreams are their magic and craft! As a dream elder s/he asks that we be curious, be creative, be attentive, honour the dream, and dream the wild self into action!

BrightFlame (she/they)

BrightFlame ~ (she/they) writes, teaches, and makes magic for all forms of justice and a regenerative world. Part of and teaching in Reclaiming since the 1990s, she loves co-weaving the web of our evolving tradition. She has co-founded Reclaiming communities, offered core classes, taught and priestexxed at WitchCamps, and offered workshops with her own blend of magic. Her recent focus is helping humans de-center into relationship with our Earth kin through her growing body of solarpunk fiction, nonfiction, and workshops, including with the sustainability education center at Columbia University she co-founded. She lives on unceded Lenape land, Turtle Island. http://brightflame.com

Edan (o, ele, -o/ He, him)

Edan ~ (o, ele, -o/ He, him) é uma pessoa queer, praticante de bruxaria há mais de 10 anos nas terras colonizadas dos povos Pataxós em Divinópolis, Minas Gerais. É Bruxa Reclaiming, professor-aluno e co-facilita rituais para a comunidade no Brasil. Entusiasta das artes manuais e das possibilidades de se tecer magia através delas é interessado em temas como, trabalho com máscaras, magia criativa, sigilos mágicos, magia onírica e curandeirismo tradicional. Seu caminho mágico é enraizado no contato com os espíritos da terra em que vive e na sua relação com as correntes de poder que dela emanam, através de práticas extáticas, trabalho com ancestralidade e ativismo mágico-político.


Urania ~ I make my home north of San Francisco among the rolling hills of Marin County. I’m proof positive that magic can happen anywhere, I met my first Reclaiming Witch in 1989 at traffic court while reading Dreaming the Dark. Walked out of there with no fine and a flyer. I took my first Reclaiming class in 1991 and was invited to student teach in the San Francisco Bay Area Community in 1993. I’ve done most everything from schlepping to bookkeeping to ritual planning, teaching, founding cells, and general rabble rousing. My life is richer for having walked this path.

Halo Quin (she/they)

Halo Quin ~ (she/they) lives by the sea in Wales, UK. They are a pagan author, storyteller, singer-songwriter, and a lifelong lover of magic with a PhD in philosophy. She is a faery witch and Priestex exploring the divine erotic and sacred nature of embodied love through the Crimson Coven Collective. Halo followed the fae into Feri, and then discovered Reclaiming in 2003. These traditions have held her heart ever since, ever reminding her that the world is enchanted, and that we are here for more beauty, pleasure, and play than we could ever imagine... 

Find their work and play atwww.haloquin.net  

Irisanya Moon (she/they)

Irisanya Moon ~ (she/they) is an author, Witch, international teacher, poet, and Reclaiming initiate who has practiced magick for 20+ years. She currently lives on the unceded land of the Wappo, Southern Pomo, Coast Miwok, and Graton Rancheria peoples; currently known as Santa Rosa, CA, USA. Irisanya cultivates spaces of self-care/devotion, divine relationship (whatever that means to you), and community service as part of her heart magick, activism, and devotion to Aphrodite. www.irisanyamoon.com

Mayra Portela (ela/dela)

Mayra Portela ~ (ela/dela) pratica bruxaria há mais de 20 anos, tem como Deusa central de seu culto Hekate, principalmente Hekate Pharmakeia.  Por seu compromisso e conexão com as plantas e com a Alquimia consolida seu trabalho mágico com Perfumaria Botânica. É fundadora e coordenadora do Templo de Bruxaria Alquímica, localizado em São Paulo-SP, e é Sacerdotisa do Clã das Bruxas de Azoth. 

É Bruxa Reclaiming e professora na Comunidade Reclaiming Brasil.

Seu trabalho mágico centra-se no caminhar entre os mundos, no profundo contato com o mundo dos espíritos, e na construção de rituais e práticas extáticas. A prática oracular é muito central em sua bruxaria, tendo se especializado em Quirologia.

Megan Dragon

Megan Dragon ~ is a weaver of magic and a seeker of dreams, living within the unceded lands of the Arakwal Bundjalung people, near Cavanbah-Byron Bay, the most easterly point of so-called Australia. Her passion is the re-connection and resilience of land, sky and sea peoples. Her wisdom comes from working closely with plants and animals, especially wildlife. She’s been dancing the spiral of Reclaiming and magical activism in Australia and Europe for over 30 years and CloudCatcher WitchCamp claimed her heart at the first Camp in 2012. She has organised for CloudCatcher, and loves teaching in community as well as at Earthsong and California WitchCamps. 

Morgana (they/she)

Morgana ~ (they/she) practices and teaches magical, ritual, and theatrical arts. Teaching includes 20 WitchCamps in Texas, Germany, Belgium, Wisconsin, California, British Columbia, and Alberta, as well as dozens of classes and workshops with Pentacles, Elements, Goddesses, Aspecting, and Consensus. 

A Reclaiming Initiate and one of the mothers of Tejas Web, her specialties are ritual creation, magical tools, wordsmithing, music, and sacred drama. She is a queer witch who loves stars, trees, firelight, ocean, dancing, divination, and music. She is also Co-founder and Producing Artistic Director of The VORTEX, a regional alternative theatre with a dedicated ensemble of artists who have created a cultural harbor in Austin, Texas.

Phoenix LeFae (she/her)

Phoenix LeFae ~ (she/her) started her journey in the world of Witchcraft in 1993 when her athame was a wooden-handled butter knife stolen from her mom’s kitchen. Her love of magick and mystery has led her down many paths, lineages, and traditions. She is an initiate in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft, the Avalon Druid Order, and Gardnerian Wicca. Phoenix has written several books including What Is Remembered Lives, A Witch’s Guide to Creating and Performing Rituals, Witches, Heretics, and Warrior Women and more. She is a professional Witch and the owner of the esoteric Goddess shop, Milk & Honey, www.Milk-and-Honey.com

Raven Edgewalker (they/them)

Raven Edgewalker ~ (they/them) is a British Witch, teacher, artist, and collector of sticks who makes their living crafting beautiful pagan tools and jewellery, dwelling in the magical landscape of Somerset. They are a Reclaiming and Anderson Feri initiate and have worked within both traditions for 25 years. Raven sees their work in the world as building relationship within community, with deity, land, and its beings.

Raven has been lucky to teach many Reclaiming Witchcamps and other workshops across the world, face to face and online, as a founder and teacher of World Tree Lyceum. www.Greenwomancrafts.etsy.com  www.worldtreelyceum.org

Ravyn Stanfield

Ravyn Stanfield ~ is the author of Revolution of the Spirit: Awaken the Healer, a guide to the crucial need for revolution in holistic healing. She practices acupuncture and relationship therapy in Portland, Oregon with a focus on trauma recovery. Her fiction and essays have been published in The Rumpus, Guernica, anthologies, and elsewhere. Ravyn has been teaching in the Reclaiming tradition since 2000 and designs trainings for emerging leaders and healers internationally. She uses her background in acupuncture, disaster relief, writing, theatre, witchcraft, and neurobiology to coax more of the extraordinary into the world through the cracks in Western civilization. 


SusanneRae (they/them)

SusanneRae ~ (they, them and sometimes she) I am a weird, queer witch who works with Labyrinth, many Deity, Yoga, Goddesses, Nature beings, Mystical Buddhism and Seidre. I have a lifetime’s experience working with earth-centred energies and currently live in Willyama (so-called Broken Hill, NSW Australia).

I have been teaching and organising in Reclaiming for nearly 10 years. WitchCamps are one of my favourite things and I am super excited to be part of this World Wide Witch Camp experience. 

My website :https://www.themeditationspace.com.au

Yuki (-, elu,-e/ they, them)

Yuki ~ (-, elu,-e/ they, them) é Bruxa Queer, iniciade Feri, do clã Coelhos da Lua, Praticante das artes ocultas, Tarólogue, Oraculista, Feiticeire, Alune e Professorie. Envolvide com a Tradição Reclaiming, é co-idealizadore da comunidade Reclaiming Brasil. Possui envolvimento intenso com práticas mágicas ligadas ao tarô, bem como foco no trabalho mútuo com os espíritos da terra e dedicação ao trabalho de autopossessão diário. Acredita que quando curamos a terra, o coração da humanidade é curado simultaneamente.

Dawn Isidora

Dawn Isidora ~ With a Capricorn Sun and Virgo Moon, Dawn is possibly too grounded to be a proper mystic and too mystical to be a proper anything else. She has made her way along edges and liminal spaces – offering spiritual coaching and mentorship and teaching witchcraft both internationally and at home. Through relationships with self, family, friends, communities, the elements, the gods, the land, and Mystery Herself, Dawn finds the sensation of connection to be her reliable pathway to spirit and meaning.