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Clases Principales de Reclaiming Online
Esta página está destinada a publicar Clases Principales de Reclaiming en línea ofrecidas durante todo el año. Si estás enseñando una Clase Principal en línea, contáctanos y la publicaremos en nuestro sitio web.

Queering the Elements of Magic is a 6-week virtual Reclaiming core class that will teach you the core principles and practices to create magic in your life, and especially to explore queer magical tools and honor the Queer within and outside us. Through exploring the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, we will connect with ourselves, queerness & the Land and develop skills to show up ever more fully in the world and in our communities. This class will explore: What is the magic I have to offer our communities? How can we bring our magic out of the circle and into the world? What are our queer tools to honor, to affirm, to celebrate?
We use queer as a verb. In the words of bell hooks, “‘Queer' not as being about who you're having sex with (that can be a dimension of it); but 'queer' as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and that has to invent and create and find a place to speak and to thrive and to live.” Queer as in to question the foundation of an existing structure, to look at existing norms, question their impact and harness our potential for transformation. What do we want to keep, change, discard, or play with? When we are queering the Elements, we are looking at and transforming our relationship to the world around us.
This class will be focused on queerness and developing the magical tools to be fully present in ourselves. That said, this class is not exclusive to LGBTQ+ community and we welcome anyone who wants to explore these themes with us.
Class Dates & Times
Classes will be held via Zoom on Sundays from:
9am - 12pm PDT
10am - 1pm MDT
1pm - 4pm BRT
6pm - 9pm CEST
Classes are participatory, and attendance at all classes is encouraged. They will be:
Aug 11th
Aug 18th
Aug 25th
Sept 1st
Sept 8th
Sept 29th*
*Please, note that we have a two weeks gap between our 5th and 6th class!
Those who sign up for the class can also join a private Facebook group to discuss class themes, questions, subjects, though participation on the Facebook group will not be required.