Profesores de Taller
Edan (he/they) is a queer Witch who has been practicing witchcraft for over 10 years in the colonized lands of the Pataxó people in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais. He is a Reclaiming Witch, a teacher-student, and co-facilitates rituals for the community in Brazil. An enthusiast of manual arts and the possibilities of weaving magic through them, he is interested in themes such as night flying, dream magic, magical sigils, and traditional healing. His magical path is rooted in contact with the spirits of the earth and the currents of power that emanate from it, through ecstatic practices and magical-political activism.
captain (they/m) I am a genderqueerdo-trans-radical-fae-witch-faggot that is currently doing art (work, life, play) with sex, joyful accountability, queer dying, poetry and embodiment. I am a scotish-english-irish settler living on the territory of the Lekwungen and WSÁNEĆ peoples on Vancouver Island in (so called Canada). My background is in social justice, street outreach, anti-violence, harm reduction, somatic sex education and writing. I have found myself magically at home at Free Activist (Cascadia) Witchcamp, Teen Earth Magic and British Columbia Witchcamp. I have been in love-heartbreak-healing-learning- heartbreak-healing-learning-love relationship(s)... with Reclaiming since 2001. My magic is dirty, wet, playful and full of imperfection! Instagram: @captsnowdon
Dominic (he/him): I am an illustrator and a witch, a creator and disciple of Mystery. I live and weave magic in Lenapehoking (Lenape homelands) known by many as New York City. I jumped into the Reclaiming cauldron at 16 and in 2014 attended my first California Witchcamp. Soon after, I cut my teeth as a priestess by joining the Ritual Planning Cell in Los Angeles where I co-created public rituals for the community.
My art is an extension of my magical practice. I set an intention for each endeavor, and I use my intuition as an ever-present influence that guides my pen and brush. I bring ideas to life through art by utilizing my unique perspective. When I speak through art, the spirits listen. At the heart of everything I do is a deep curiosity and a devotion to art, knowledge, and magic. I want to co-create stories that become the mythology for the world to come. I want to activate, transform, and inspire. If you have a world-shaking vision, I want to help you realize it. I believe as witches, we can create the world we want to see. We are the spell. Instagram: @dominic_bodden
Fortuna Sawahata (she/her or they/them): I am a witch and intuitive divinatrix who lives in the Netherlands. I’m currently navigating the riches of liminal spaces – on our physical planet, and particularly the internal liminalities where art, writing, healing, spirit perception and magick-making reside. A Feri initiate, I teach magick 1-on-1 and in workshops, and have been teaching at Reclaiming Witch Camps since 2007. Proud to have contributed to books including ‘Elements of Magic: Reclaiming Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit’ (edited by Jane Meredith and Gede Parma, Llewelyn 2018), ‘21+1: The Fortune-Teller’s Rules’ (edited by Camelia Elias, Eyecorner Press 2018), and even of my wonky essay in ‘Earth Spirit: Honoring the Wild’(edited by Irisanya Moon, Llewelyn 2023).
Gwion Raven - I am a tattooed Pagan, writer, traveller, musician, cook, kitchen witch, occult shop owner, and teacher. Although initiated in three magickal traditions, my practice involves virtually anything that celebrates the wild, sensuous, living, breathing, dancing, ecstatic, divine experiences of this lifetime.
Born and raised in London, England, I reside in Northern California, sharing space with redwood trees, oaks, rivers, mountains, the Pacific Ocean, and my beloved partner.
Hugo Escalante Santana (Lugh)
De profesión abogado, en el ejercicio del derecho descubrí que el gran problema de nuestra sociedad no se solucionaba sancionando a las personas por incumplir la ley , ni siquiera en lo coherente de las leyes , sino en la psique y en la manera de pensar de las personas. Me hice coach astrológico y tarotista para ahondar más en la influencia del cielo en el inconsciente humano así como en la raíz misma de sus comportamientos.
Llevo 19 años consultando y enseñando ambas disciplinas con excelentes resultados pues descubrí mi verdadera vocación. Como sacerdote en el Templo de Brighid, guío a las personas por el camino de la magia desde la visión de la tradición Reclaiming, lo cual implica el reconocer el poder de cada ser humano y la posibilidad de que cada persona se responsabilice por su propio destino. Soy un ser humano en evolución que cada día confía más en si mismo, en los Dioses y en la vida.
Photo credit: Hillary Buffman
Irisanya Moon (she/they) is an author of 10+ books, Witch, priestess, international teacher, and initiate in the Reclaiming tradition. A devotee of Aphrodite, Hecate, the Norns, and Iris, she has practiced magick for 20+ years. They are passionate about the idea that life is and humans are love spells, ever experiencing a dance of desire and connection, moving in and out of the heart, always returning to love. Her teaching/facilitation style is immersive, gracious, safe, authentic, and welcoming to inspire transformation and liberation individually and collectively. You can find out more at
JD hails from the USA, having lived the last twelve years in England and Scotland. He is a professional astrologer, a practitioner of astral magic, and talisman maker. JD is influenced by an animist view of the Cosmos, by art and art-making, and by visionary and ecstatic practices to his esoteric and astral passions. He has engaged with Reclaiming since 2002 and with witchcraft formally since the age of thirteen.
JD is the chair for the Scottish Astrological Association; the president of the International Association of Astral Magic; and the organiser of Astro Magia. You can find him at Cunning as Folk where he teaches and practices his range of esoteric and interpretive arts, or you can follow his dance on all channels: @cunningasfolk.
Juniper (she/her) is a queer witch, organizer, drummer, and Reclaiming priestex. She is a core trainer with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, a Black-led organization in New Orleans. Her magic has been forged in witch camps, ritual, and personal practice. But also in the streets. In tear gas. On a jail cot. On surging surf and thin edges of vertical rock. Ancestors call to her from the North Atlantic’s wild islands. She remembers those who tended land she nests upon: Tonkawa, Comanche, and Coahuiltecan peoples, and people enslaved on the Goodrich Plantation.
Mariale Almenar Márquez (Quetzal)
He cultivado una carrera gratificante como educadora, enseñando en niveles tanto secundarios como universitarios en prestigiosas instituciones de Venezuela e Inglaterra. Mi formación en psicología positiva ha enriquecido mi experiencia en la mentoría y gestión de grupos, lo que me ha permitido empoderar a otros en sus trayectorias personales y académicas.
Como investigadora y escritora natural, comencé mi carrera periodística como editora de la revista Producto en Venezuela, y luego como colaboradora en el periódico Express News en el Reino Unido. Actualmente, enseño física, química y matemáticas en el Reino Unido, al mismo tiempo que coordino actividades académicas dentro del Templo de Brighid y gestiono sus relaciones con Reclaiming USA.
Este año, logré un hito significativo al debutar como escritora con "Latidos y latitudes. Diez historias de migración," un libro colaborativo presentado en la Feria del Libro de Madrid, cuyos beneficios apoyan a la Fundación Altius. A través de mi trabajo en la educación, la escritura y el liderazgo espiritual, sigo comprometida con el fomento del crecimiento y la comprensión dentro de las comunidades.
Perla Crespo-Izaguirre (Ezili Amada)
Intuitiva y recursiva, soy una activista de la felicidad, con una profunda pasión por la escritura, la enseñanza y la investigación. Originalmente de Venezuela y ahora radicada en la Guayana Francesa, soy Comunicadora Social y facilitadora de Psicoterapia Gestalt. Orgullosamente pagana, soy fundadora y Suma Sacerdotisa del Templo de Brighid. Miembro fundador de la Unión Neopagana Venezolana he abogado por la coexistencia religiosa y participé de la firma de la primera ordenanza contra la discriminación en Venezuela.
Mi vida profesional me ha llevado a ejercer roles diversos: asesora de comunicaciones, periodista y especialista en tradiciones ancestrales en programas de radio y televisión. Este año inicié mi carrera como escritora y presenté tres libros en la Feria del Libro de Madrid: "Convertirse en estrellita," (un cuento para niños) "Enriquece tu vida y tu alma," (un libro colaborativo sobre crecimiento personal) y "Latidos y latitudes. Diez historias de migración," (un libro colaborativo cuyo producto apoya a la Fundación Altius).
Impulsada por la creencia de que la educación es una herramienta para combatir la discriminación, sigo como los Mayas "el camino del corazón" a través de mi escritura mientras labro mi sueño de colaborar con la UNESCO. Sígueme en Instagram @perlaccs
Phoenix LeFae (she/her) started her journey in the world of Witchcraft in 1993 when her athame was a wooden-handled butter knife stolen from her mom’s kitchen. Her love of magick and mystery has led her down many paths, lineages, and traditions. She is an initiate in the Reclaiming Tradition of Witchcraft, the Avalon Druid Order, and Gardnerian Wicca. Phoenix has written several books including What Is Remembered Lives, A Witch’s Guide to Creating and Performing Rituals, Witches, Heretics, and Warrior Women and more. She is a professional Witch and the owner of the esoteric Goddess shop, Milk & Honey, (
Raven Edgewalker (they/them) is a British Witch, teacher, artist, and collector of sticks who makes their living crafting beautiful pagan tools and jewellery, dwelling in the magical landscape of Somerset. They are a Reclaiming and Anderson Feri initiate and have worked within both traditions for 25 years. Raven sees their work in the world as building relationship within community, with deity, land, and its beings.
Raven has been lucky to teach many Reclaiming Witchcamps and other workshops across the world, face to face and online, as a founder and teacher of World Tree Lyceum.
Ravyn Stanfield, is an author, acupuncturist, relational therapist, and international educator dedicated to liberating the super powers within each of us. In private practice, Ravyn specializes in the treatment of chronic pain, complicated grief, and trauma recovery. Her book, Revolution of the Spirit: Awaken the Healer is available at She has led workshops and rituals for over 25 years. She uses her background in traditional medicines, alchemy, neurobiology, theatre, and creative writing to coax more of the extraordinary into the world through the cracks in Western civilization.
Sharon Pink (she/her) I live my time on Squamish, Musqueam, Tsleil Waututh and Sq'éwlets territory, striving to be a respectful guest through reparations, listening, tending the earth and responding to calls to action.
I’m a queer, leatherFemme witch who has connected with Reclaiming since 2012ish. My ancestral lineages from portugal and poland have been a portal for my close, yet quiet, connections with Wilgefortis and Marzanna.
I aspire to be in ways that are anti-white supremacy, fat liberatory, gender affirming, leatherQueer celebratory, Elder & crone honoring and sex worker positive.
Instagram: @sharonpinkishere
SusanneRae (they, them and sometime she) is a weird, queer witch who works with labyrinth, many deity, Goddess, Nature beings, Mystical Buddhism and Seidre. They have a lifetime’s experience working with earth-centred energies.
SusanneRae currently lives on Willyama Country (so-called Broken Hill, NSW.Australia)
They have been teaching and organising in Reclaiming for years.They are very excited to be part of this world wide witch camp experience again. Susanne Rae has been practising and teaching meditation skills for over 30 years.
Their website:
The Meditation Space is an online platform for their teaching and mentoring.
Photo credit: Hillary Believes
Tere Parsley Starnes (they/them): I was drawn to Reclaiming in the early days because I knew in my soul a Witch’s job was to change the world. I wanted to learn how. I have studied, taught, organized, and agitated in this tradition for decades. Gladly so. I don’t see that changing. I am a queer astrologer, writer, teacher, and shaper of change. I have worked with Juniper in various anti-racism projects including Undoing White Supremacy in Kink Community (initiated by Eleven Greenstones). Happy to join forces again! I live on the traditional land of the Dakota, otherwise known as Minneapolis in the U.S.
Urania (she/her): I’m proof positive that magic can happen anywhere, I met my first Reclaiming Witch in 1989 at traffic court while reading Dreaming the Dark. Walked out of there with no fine and a flyer. I took my first Reclaiming class in 1991 and was invited to student teach in the San Francisco Bay Area Community in 1993. Since then I’ve done most everything from schlepping to bookkeeping to ritual planning, teaching, founding cells and Witchlets, and general rabble rousing. Rotation has been one of my core practices. I am regularly awed and grateful to have received so many opportunities from this community. My life is richer for having walked this path.
Yuki Fae (elu/ele) é Bruxa Queer, iniciade Feri, do clã Coelhos da Lua, Praticante das artes ocultas, Tarólogue, Oraculista, Feiticeire, Alune e Professorie. Envolvide com a Tradição Reclaiming, é co-idealizadore da comunidade Reclaiming Brasil. Possui envolvimento intenso com práticas mágicas ligadas ao tarô, bem como foco no trabalho mútuo com os espíritos da terra e dedicação ao trabalho de autopossessão diário. Acredita que quando curamos a terra, o coração da humanidade é curado simultaneamente.