Paths 2024
Path visão geral:
Um pouco sobre como funcionam os Caminhos… há três horários para os Caminhos: Scarlet, Cobalt e Gold. Durante o acampamento, você pode escolher o horário que for mais conveniente para você e um Caminho nesse horário para seguir ao longo dos três dias do acampamento.
Na teoria, você poderia escolher um Caminho de cada horário, mas então você ficaria acordade a noite toda!
Cobalt Paths
Lunar Mysteries of the Dark Forest with JD Kelly & Raven Edgewalker
Time as the Eternal Ritual: A Feast with Fate with Irisanya Moon & Fortuna
Na Trilha dos Espíritos - Edan & Yuki Fae *Path taught in Brazilian Portuguese*
The Oracle of the Witches: Scrying in the Darkness - with Urania & Ravyn Stanfield
Spells For Fear: Honoring, Adornment and Imagining Like (y)our Ancestors Did and Descendants Will Do - with captain & Sharon Pink
Embodied Practices of the Justice Witch - with Juniper & Tere
Ritual of Power: Connect with Your Inner Deity - with Perla, Mariale, & Hugo*Path taught in Spanish & English*
Sitting with yourself/ connecting with land - with Susanne Rae Jones & Sandi Lovini
Tree-time, ancestors, descendants, and the creative work of liberation - with Dominic & Riyana
Witch’s Web of Connection - with Phoenix LeFae & Gwion Raven
Read about the wonderful witches teaching these Paths on our Teachers page here.

Lunar Mysteries of the Dark Forest
with JD Kelly & Raven Edgewalker
All ages.
So often isolated from others and from the strength of the forest, bombarded with challenges, traumas and destructions, it can be hard to remember that we too, are part of the cycles of our earth. We are stronger when we awaken to what we are, stronger when we are together. For if the witch’s body is that of the forest, the witch’s blood is that of the waters and the witch’s spirit is that of the moon. As the Moon waxes and wanes, the beings of the forest—seen and unseen, red-blood and green-blood, feathered, furred and scaled and witch—weave their lives, their stories, and their magics. Lunar rhythms, aligned with the forest's heartbeat, pulse to the ebb and flow of the world.
Along these serpentine paths, with the Moon as our guide, the ways of life and death are revealed. Join us as we explore magics both small and large, aiding us to connect and reconnect, magics that can carry us to renewal of the feast. Throughout the forest are allies that will support us in our work. We will ask for the Moon’s wisdom and that of its beloved spirits and creatures, to create ritual, to learn tools and cunning in support of our work, lives, and joy. The faces of the Moon are varied, and so are their images and magics. Wolf, hare, hound, snake, salmon, bull, goat, owl, nighthawk, and deer; the Moon possesses the mysteries of sight, of skinchanging, and of flight. We will use trance, divination, song, spell-working, spirit journeying, and drawing on the knowledge that is witchlore and witchcraft.
This path is open to all, you will wish to bring a journal (paper or electronic). We hold the intent to make this path as accessible as possible to those who wish to attend. If you have questions around access and your needs, please reach out and contact us before camp starts and we will do our best.
Time as the Eternal Ritual: A Feast with Fate
with Irisanya Moon & Fortuna
Each of us is woven into a story, a ritual, a forest.
Each of us holds a thread, a magick, and a piece of Mystery.
What might happen if we listen?
What might happen if we tug at the web?
What might happen if we stepped into the darkness, hand in hand?
Join Fortuna and Irisanya for a path of revelation and reckoning, a path that offers quiet reflection and contemplation of these questions--and more.
Guided by the Norns, the Wyrd Sisters, the Weavers of Fate, we follow What Was, What Is, and What is Becoming for each path day, stepping up to the tree, the well, and the darkness beyond. We envision trance, divination, movement, and writing as allies and co-conspirators, allowing us to drop into the deep wisdom of bone and time, liminality and presence, curiosity and fear. Our witches’ aids to accessing this wisdom, and to entering the Dark Forest? We will craft a unique Tarot ‘spread’ along our path, and create a personal, individual key - a sigil, a song, a word, a poem, a gesture - to allow each of us to enter Its Mysteries.
The Dark Forest reveals shadows that already know a way, a way forward, a way toward something of dreaming and danger. And we are not alone. We never have been. We sit at the table and share what we have with each other, with our Beloved Dead and our Ancestors, renewing our hope, our wonder, and our collective courage.
This path asks that participants bring a divination tool, journal, writing utensils, yarn/thread/string, and a bowl of water. Having taken Elements of Magic is a great preparation for this path, but not required.

Na Trilha dos Espíritos
Edan & Yuki Fae
18+, Elementos da Magia é um pré-requisito.
Durante três dias mergulharemos profundamente dentro da Floresta Escura, reconhecendo seus espaços, seus espíritos e o mistério. Teceremos junto ao micélio a magia dos fios. No primeiro dia trabalharemos com transe coletivo, contação de histórias, invocação e momentos de conexão com o grupo. No segundo dia trabalharemos com os espíritos aliados de nossa comunidade e formas de entrar em contato com espíritos locais, sigilos e shapeshifting. No último dia trabalharemos com ativismo mágico, o Labirinto da Rosa, o Decagrama da Terra e o Feitiço da Águas de Todo Mundo.
Tragam para o caminho um carretel de lã ou algum outro tipo de fio, com uma tesoura ou objeto cortante para cortar.
The Oracle of the Witches: Scrying in the Darkness
with Urania & Ravyn Stanfield
Teens welcome, Elements of Magic required.
Still is the air
Full is the moon
The ancestors gather around the table,
Whisper in the ear of the medium,
Overturn the cards,
Tell the story we most need to hear.
Their presence anoints us.
Their words are blessings,
Reminders of the work before us,
The gifts among us.
Leadership is required.
Boundaries are required.
Love is required.
Listen, witches.
When was the last time you experienced the kind of deep magic that almost frightens you? Tarot. Séance. Scrying. Psychic readings. We dive into the ancestry of the Craft, investigating our roots in spiritualism, divination, and communication with the dead. We will use a liberationist lens to explore what our forbears discovered in these pursuits and to reveal their colonial blind spots. What is fortune telling? How do we remember or revive ancestor worship for these times? What happens after we die? What does it mean to become excellent listeners and effective storytellers? Witches heal and change and anoint the world. We will share knowledge of Tarot and psychic mediumship. We will reclaim the practice of séance. We will sing with our ancestors and ask for help for our planet. Together, with the voices of the land and sea and sky we might yet change the course of lives, nations, worlds. This is an advanced path. We ask that you be well on your way to Know Thy Self. Please have taken Elements of Magic and have incredible boundaries and some experience with aspecting.
Spells For Fear: Honoring, Adornment and Imagining Like (y)our Ancestors Did and Descendants Will Do
with Sharon Pink
Knowing better than to rush in
We let our hearts be with both otherworldly and earthy kin
We are swept up in a dance that did not just begin
Come leather, feather, fur, scale and horn
What might it mean to play and adorn
Wearing our fates willing worlds reborn
Like the gays, fairies, queers and gender expanders before,
We prance towards the new worlds door
We are hungry to feast and explore
In these times riddled with opportunities for fear, we invite you to honour the past, where we are now and magic up what is to come, in whole time. Adornment magic(s) are practices and wisdom(s) from femmes to artists to sex workers to witches to drag, that supports us to be protected, while seen and present. Alongside adornment magics, the possibilities of this path will include spelllwork, ancestor/descendent connections, embodiment practices, writing, music and more. Are you ready? Are we ready? Or perhaps, are we willing? Do we dare take this call?

Embodied Practices of the Justice Witch
with Juniper & Tere
15+, Elements of Magic & engagement with the DARC curriculum required
Embodied Practices of the Justice Witch invites us to lean in. To deepen our collective capacity to not only imagine, but to make magic from what is unfathomable. To deepen our collective capacity to navigate the chaos of change. To discern, temper, and condition our collective bodymind. To find our edge and practice in that place.
In this path, we will walk toward what is unimaginable. Towards unimaginable violence, injustice, and threats to the Earth. Towards unimaginable connection, beauty, and collective power. As Witches, we will hone our tools of magic to shift outcomes and to defend our sacred relationships. The path will include experiences of somatic regulation, visionary trance, and personal and collective energy work.
In alignment with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond (PISAB) principle of developing leadership, this path will deepen our capacity as anti-racist facilitators and teachers. We will also draw on the somatic work of Resmaa Menakem, the curriculum developed by DARC (Decolonizing Actions in Reclaiming Communities), and the Pentacle of the Justice Witch to build our practices and to meet the world as Justice Witches.
Prerequisites for this path are Elements of Magic, some organizing experience, and engagement with Sections III, V., VII, XI, and XII of the curriculum developed by DARC (Decolonizing Actions in Reclaiming Communities) prior to the 1st day of path. This path is open to participants ages 15 and older.
If you have any questions about whether this path is right for you, please email us: juniperlauren@gmail.com, tpstar@mninter.net
Ritual of Power: Connect with Your Inner Deity
with Perla, Mariale, & Hugo
*Path taught in English & Spanish*
Discover the living forces of the divine—beyond mere comprehension, they are powerful archetypes waiting to guide you through a transformative journey of healing and wisdom. Imagine boldly declaring, "I am Hecate" or "I am Lugh," and feeling the magic course through your veins.
This isn't just about understanding your connection to these deities; it's about embodying their strength and embracing the divine energy that resides within you. This journey will empower you to take responsibility for the gifts that each Divinity brings into your life.
We invite witches and spiritual seekers alike to awaken this inner presence through meditation, self-reflection, and profound inner work. Transform your understanding of magic forever.
Join us on this sacred path and connect deeply with your guiding deity in a way that is both authentic and deeply experiential.
Sitting with yourself/ connecting with land -
with Susanne Rae & Sandi
Under 18 year olds are welcome with adult support.
When we can make deep connection with our bodies and understand how our minds work we can make stronger relationships with land and spirit. This path will take us back to basics. What is the difference between trance, meditation and grounding? We will unpack the mechanics of grounding, meditation and deep listening,
Drawing from ancient Buddhist and Vedic traditions we will focus on learning meditation skills and the origins of techniques including sitting and walking practices. This will involve breath awareness, chanting, labyrinth work, relaxation skills and movement meditation
We will explore contemporary understandings of the physical and neurological impacts of meditation techniques.
The challenge of this path will support you to build and enhance a daily meditation practise. Each session we will learn and practice different meditation skills to help focus the mind to improve magical skills.
Above all we will use these skills to explore how acknowledging and honouring connect us to land.
Sandi and Susanne Rae are experienced meditation teachers and witches.No previous meditation experience needed.This path considers all accessibility needs and aims to be trauma sensitive.
Elements of Magic not required though helpful. Under 18yrs are welcome with adult support.
Tree-time, ancestors, descendants, and the creative work of liberation
with Dominic & Riyana
Moving out of the hustle, grind, and onslaught of non-stop headlines and crushing climate news, we enter the dark forest to listen to the old-growth-ones and the ancestors of our lineages.
We learn from them time-magic, changing our consciousness at will to experience tree-time, ancestor-descendent-time, liminal-time, and the flow-states that allow us to hear the messages of the more-than-human-world, finding new paths forward for healing and liberation. These are the messages and learnings that we will shape into our creative work, ritual, and spells-- whether that is as witches, writers, artists, creatives, healers, or in a myriad of other ways.
Some of the workings we'll do in this path include trance, time-magic, tree magic, journaling, breathwork, working with ancestors and descendants, and using our witch’s tools in our own creative work, whether that is in writing, visual art, crafting, song, or any other form the spark takes at this time.
Witch’s Web of Connection
with Phoenix LeFae & Gwion Raven
Witch’s Web of Connection - Truly the first tool of the witch. Whether looking for ourselves, examining our relationship to power, honouring the places we inhabit, being open to the people and beings we share space with, or simply navigating this glorious, fleeting moment we call life - everything is connection.
Let us explore how we form and sustain meaningful connections. Let us plumb the depths of our existing relationships and make them richer, deeper, more sacred. Let us discover new pathways to connection and break generations' old patterns of disconnection. And, using our discernment, let us openly, honestly, and transparently ask where, how, and why we fail to maintain the connection. Magick has always been best served when we allow for connection to, being in accord with, inviting curiosity for, and cultivating shared wisdom.
In this path, we’ll confabulate, collaborate, and conversate. We will create spells of connection. We will journey to shared magickal places. We will use the power of the internet to connect as many of us as possible worldwide while still creating hyper-local magick. We will use the witch’s tools of trance, divination, group journey, spell crafting, ritual, song, and more to open our hearts and minds and activate the spark of connection. This path is a call to action, a call to connection, a call to ourselves.
There are no prerequisites for this Path.
Read about the wonderful witches teaching these Paths on our Teachers page here.